ANBI info (Dutch government quality assessment)

ANBI info, data used for the Dutch government to quality assess foundations.

1) Goals of the foundation (Doelstelling volgens regelgeving)

General goal:
The principles of our foundation:
• Our main goal is to improve the physical and emotional well-being for children in need
• We provide physical aid and supply mainly building facilities on location
• We seek minimal overhead costs and strive for a maximum return on every coin donated for the intended goal of the project

ANBI criteria:
• Our foundation is servicing for 100% the general cause
• Our foundation does not receive any profits

2) Headlines of the current policy plan (hoofdlijnen van het actuele beleidsplan)

a) Activities of the foundation:
Helping to provide orphanages in developing countries in their basic needs such as:
• Safe housing
• Clean water
• Building of classrooms
• Physical activities such as play and sports
• Volunteer placements

b) Means of funding (manier van geld werven)
The foundation is primarily privately funded, secondarily there are occasional online donations.

c) Means of capital and assets management (beheer van het vermogen van de instelling)
The capital in the foundation is mostly funded before we’re starting a project. At project start the funds are invested in materials, means and/or labour in order to complete the foundation building projects. In the rare occasion that a project required less funding then expected these funds are held at the foundation bank accounts and invested in the following project.

d) Ways of investments (Besteding van het vermogen)
The funds are invested directly into materials, transportation, labour, use of machinery which are all used during the operations of the building projects. Occasional products are bought (i.e. wheel chairs for the polio village in Vietnam)

3) Members of staff (bestuurders)
Mariken van Lammeren, secretary
Jos Lieshout, advisory
Luke Vos, chair

4) Rewarding scheme (beloningsplan)
There are no rewards or wages paid out to any members, the foundation is on voluntary basis)

5) Balance last financial year (jan 2022 – dec 2022)